Exception in Execute: %sException in RunTheProfile: %sOpen %0:s files with %1:s(Error creating shared memory %0:s (%1:d)RThis copy of %0:s has expired (on %1:s). Please contact %2:s for more information.Sorting files...deletingaWould you like to disable the option of %s empty directories? Doing so will increase performance.╝It appears you are trying to perform a 1-way synchronisation, which is a backup. Would you like to avoid problems and improve performance by changing your configuration to a proper backup?æThe filename contains a non-standard apostrophe ( ) that may be changed by Windows if copied over a network, especially to a Windows 98 computer.Verifying...Ignore new directoriesEPerformance can be increased substantially if this option is enabled.µWould you like %0:s to periodically check for new updates? This requires an Internet connection. No information is transmitted to the %1:s web site. You can also check for updates manually using the Help -> Update Check menu item.GAre you sure you want %s to stop checking periodically for new updates?╕Please note that the last modification date and time of files is not accurate on FAT, and other, filesystems. It is highly recommended that you ignore differences of 2 seconds or less.